Originally Posted by jchammond
Glad I’m not outside in the weather elements; as it rained 3 different times while I was in garage 
Carefully taking all the connections apart & getting harness up & out the way, as 122k miles doesn’t help much on the connectors 
But it’s coming along, gonna try & strap A/C compressor off to the side...as I’m not really wanting to cut gas loose to atmosphere (like EW) 
I’ll find out tomorrow 
17,250 car accidents per day in the US. Figure conservatively that 25% of those involve some sort of front end impact which damages the condenser or AC lines resulting in what the EPA calls an "EW event."
That's 4,312.5 EW events per day. So venting your AC lines would, conservatively, account for 0.02% of US daily EW events resulting from car crashes. Just for perspective.