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Old 08-12-2020, 10:45 PM   #7120 (permalink)
Ronin Samurai - Assassin
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Originally Posted by Leingod View Post
Mine just stabbed me in the thigh with a steak knife when she was 12 because I wouldn't move off the couch when taking a nap.
Sister's ex. He would come home drunk. Abuse my sister time to time. The one night, after his abuse. My sister super glued his diick to his belly. Another time. She super glued his azz cheeks together. Used Nair on his balls then rubbed Ben Gay over them.

After the divorce. She got a BF. After a while. He turned into a azzhole. Smacked my sister around. He walked into the house through the back door one night. Sister was waiting for him with a baseball bat behind the door. Took over 40 stitches to close his head up.

My sister could pick the winners. My sister was 6ft tall.

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"The Difficult Anytime, The Impossible By Appointment Only"

Last edited by Rusty; 08-12-2020 at 10:47 PM.
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