Originally Posted by Rusty
It was. It was tiny. Under 200 lbs, and made about 80 HP. Easy to work on. In practice. You was always playing around with the jetting. For the race. You hoped that you got it right. If not. It would either load up, or seize up at speed. Bought spark plugs by the case. Mixed the oil and gas together. Always used Castrol Bean oil. That's one smell that I will never forget. A 2 stroke burning bean oil. 
200 lb, 80 hp two stroke, I love it. That thing must have been a handful. I used to foul so many freaking plugs. I'd carry a couple extras with me. Even splitting the cases was simple. I still ran the oil injection because too much of a hassle mixing for the street. I loved the smell of the castor oil. If I remember right, Klotz was was everybody was running.