Originally Posted by ltullos
Can't recommend AWD Tuning enough. Keith is as solid as they come; but ALWAYS discuss thoroughly and get things in writing before handing over car and money - no matter which shop is doing the work.
I've also dealt with Texas Track Works in S. Fort Worth for camber arms, alignment, and minor things and would also highly recommend them. They do builds as well; but you may have to wait a while because they get very busy, particularly this time of the year when track events are getting heavily booked. Trent & Frank are awesome.
Yeah, TTW is great. They’re the only place you can go that has the older style Hunter alignment machine to get lowered cars onto. The new Hunter’s are too high and every place I’ve called says “heck no”. AWD Tuning it is. Thanks!
Originally Posted by JARblue
I recommend remote tuning with Seb at Specialty Z. He is the best out there. Takes a little more effort on your end but it's well worth it knowing that you're getting the best tune for your needs 
Yeah. I’ve heard that, but I have 0 interest in doing 2nd/3rd/4th gear rips on public roads to be honest. Thanks though.