Originally Posted by babyzilla
So I bought the kawasaki nuts and had my mechanic do the job. I even showed him the video and this forum thread. Long story short, I still have the ticking noise and my mechanic and I have no idea what it is. It just sucks that I went through all this (getting parts, taking time of out of my day to get it to the shop, paying for labor) just to find out I didn't solve the issue. My mechanic told me to leave this car with him next week so he can troubleshoot and hopefully get to the bottom of it. It's just so damn annoying because my car sounds like it's breaking in first gear.
Ticking noise? Like a constant ticking? That doesn't sound like rear axle click. The rear axle issue discussed in this thread should present itself as a single click or clunk when the momentum of the car changes between forward and reverse.