Hosted by Bridgewater Nissan
1400 US-22, Bridgewater Township, NJ 08807
Registration: 9:00am - 11:00am
Save time at the show and PRE-REGISTER your car at:
NJ Z Show Registration Portal
- Everyone is invited – you don't need to be a Member!
- Get there early, we expect a big turn out.
- First 75 Z cars will receive a free tee shirt, dash plaque, plus a goody bag with lots of car stuff.
- 45 trophies to be awarded! 1st, 2nd & 3rd place Peoples' Choice trophies in Stock and Street Mod, plus Ultra Mod / Roadster / GT-R trophies.
- Lots of great raffle items, and a 50/50!
- Food Truck for refreshments and lunch.
- A family friendly event: no alcohol, please be respectful & polite to our generous hosts.
- COVID conscious event -- all attendees will wear masks and respect social distancing guidelines.
Registration Fee (payable at the show) is $15 ($10 for NJZCC supporting members)
Looking forward to a great day shared with Z enthusiasts. Your participation is what makes this show so rewarding!
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