Originally Posted by ddvette9
Had ester put in at 3,750. Now I am almost at 8,500
Could i roll until 13,000 or is the 5,000 interval I am almost at def time for an oil change
Yes, you could push it to 13000..........this time. I wouldn't make a habit of it though even though dino oil can last about 10000 miles if the vehicle is not driven under severe conditions. Anyway, still not sure why you would want to do this. I'd be far more concerned with your oil filter.
Use the 7500 mile maintenance schedule and I wouldn't pay any heed to the 6 month recommendation unless you store your car for years on end. Oil just doesn't go 'bad' in 6 months or even a year or more. Of course Nissan would like you to bring your car in at one of their dealer's every 3750 vice 7500 because that would double the profit for oil changes. I know there will be debate with my next statement but changing your oil every 3750 miles won't make your engine last significantly longer than if you change the oil at 7500 mile intervals. Why? Because oil won't break down under normal driving which includes
some, not consistent, very hot weather and very cold weather driving. Now if you operate your vehicle in a lot of dusty conditions or on dirt roads, then I would consider changing the oil every 3750 miles. Me, it'll be every 7500 miles as per the maintenance schedule.