Originally Posted by wstar
I'm with you on that. Houston seems to be a lot more frontage-road centric than other major cities, maybe the guys who design these things never test them in a city like Houston.
"Frontage road centric" I think is a vast understatement, because I know I've seen some next to two lane highways! Don't get me wrong, they're not a bad idea, just a PITA for gps and navi and street racing hooligans. Guess frontage roads and strip malls is what happens with no zoning laws
I came from using iGuidance 4, which was a lot better at handling frontage roads. I'm pretty sure it had a tolerance engine that would make decisions about whether or not to 'snap to' the highway/road based on sat accuracy, speed, and nearby roads. The unit I use now on the other hand i think just has the blanket "if the gps says it's within 5 meters of the road, it must be on the road". Of course all the construction in/around Houston doesn't help at all. How did the head of DOT put it? Something like "doing open heart surgery without bypass and with the patient fully conscious?" Thank god I don't have to commute...yet.
Edit: I'm liking the Z red interior lighting more and more. I use to hate all red, associated it with that BMW/Merc (can't remember which) red in the late 90's interiors. That was a really blood red and I just hated it for whatever reason. I think the Z's is more orange, more subdued and soft. Not a huge fan of the Mustang green. Nice real life pics for letting me see that orange/red.
can you put the CF cover back on after you put a card in or is it a 'blank' that takes up the slot?