Originally Posted by somms
Safelite replaced my windshield last year and broke *both* a-pillars in the process. I had to take my Z to their shop a few towns over and have what amounts to their master mechanic replace the a-pillars. They surely lost money on that job.
I would either find a shop who's done it before, or request to bring your car into their shop for a more experienced tech if your insurance limits you to Safelite (like mine does).
Funny you both said that....the Safelite guy never did a car like mine before ..In hindsight I should of told him not to touch my car. I was not aware of how difficult it was until I started looking up videos etc....I even helped him at first ...lesson learned ...This guy broke the clips off both B pillar trim pieces....one side he appeared to use some kind of apoxy as he broke the piece in two. The other side he broke two of the clips and decided to put some duct tape on the back where two of the clips used to be to hold it on....The A pillar (think that is what it's called, the pieces on the side of the window that come down to the hood) were both loose.