Originally Posted by HisStigness
So because he cancelled it via Paypal you did get your money back correct?
Oh yeah, he refunded my money. I think he was trying to suck me in. He knew I wanted them because my payment was good. He acts like somethings wrong with his Paypal account and refunds my money because he doesn't have seats to deliver and then tells me he will accept zelle thinking since I want them so bad that I would agree to that payment method. Fortunately, I didn't want them that bad to fall for that trick. Zelle is designed to send money to family and friends. There is no protection.
I actually sent him a text a couple of days later asking if he still had the seats, he sent a text back saying he did. I then sent another text stating that I would pay the shipping cost up front if he would ship them to me and after I inspected them, I would send over the money through zelle. I told him since I already paid once, he knew that I was good for the money. He never even replied to my text.
Oh yeah, when I told him I wanted to use Paypal, he asked me if I would use family and friends because he didn't want the Paypal fees. I told him I would pay the fees.