I'm in the midst of hardwiring my V1 right now. I noticed in the second pic of your last series there (the straight-on view of the mirror+V1) it looks like you've run the V1's wire up to the headliner separate from the mirror. I've found that the little plastic tunnel that hides the mirror's wire will hide the V1 wire as well. Slide the outer sheath down, then snap the whole tunnel off (it has little plastic snap-attachments at the base, just pull it straight up while keeping it against the glass) - and put both wires inside.
Anyways, I have mine through the headliner so far, and I'm looking at the A-pillar. I'm kinda scared to yank on the A-pillar cover. Does it just pop off, or does something else need to be undone first?
ETA: Gave up on yanking on the A-pillar cover for now, since it seems some other things need to be pulled off first. I stuffed the flat V1 wire down into the edge of the A-pillar cover along the windshield glass, and then just ran it along the outside in the grove from the end of that seam down around to where the air duct for the door is. The air duct cover for the door, I was able to snap out and run the wire through the edges of that and into the passenger-side under-dash area. So what's exposed and/or ugly now is a section of wire coming from the top of edge of that duct peice (the one that connects to the door, you can only see it with the door open) running up the seams to the deep corner of the windshield there where the wire goes back under the A-frame cover again.
Any suggestions/solutions for this?
Last edited by wstar; 03-05-2009 at 04:40 PM.