Originally Posted by Ghostvette
It is. I have stood up and contacted the appropriate people. If folks will tell the truth, maybe something will be done. It may not be done before things completely go south for us. Everybody hates breeders. We are all puppy mills. No, we haven't been perfect. We try extremely hard to do what is right. We have been taken advantage of by other older breeders. Things have been said that were not true, etc. Folks will call in and report you for abuse and never been to your place, etc. I have been begging my wife for over a year to get out. We have over $300,000 invested just in dogs and may loose it all. If someone says we are a puppy mill, I want to beat them to a bloody pulp. We both love dogs. Any money that has been made goes right back into the dogs. I don't make a dollar off it.