Originally Posted by Zoren 370
Dude how did you get venous ulcers? That is painful!
Or are you referring to varicosities in the leg?
Nope, not varicos. Thrombotic ulcers. Sometimes literally feels like a red hot metal poker being jabbed into my foot. I've had one on my left foot from time to time since 2011. At this time I have 3 (new record for me). Ankle, top of foot and in between my big and second toe. $hits getting old and I wish there was something they could do. I go to the wound clinic and after a stack of cash and time, they clear up... for about 6-10 months before I get another one.
The way it's described to me is that check valve in your leg that keeps the blood going one way is damaged and that's causing the issues. All I know is I'm too young for this crap.
“Happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family in another city.”-George Burns