Lets put everything in proper prospective just because I didn’t see the way you see things Mr Sierra you insinuate that Im not empathic about the whole situation.
Just because I didn’t type the full name of GF Im branded as disingenuous?
Who is stereotyping or profiling now?
You talk high and mighty about equality and value of life..
When you can’t even respect my own opinion about it..but you have to insinuate that Im an apathetic human being.
So are you saying to have equality in society I have to agree to what your beliefs and values in life? I have to agree on what matters to you most? So you can stay in this forum?
What I saw in the videos is a human being being abused with excessive force by another human being! That is unacceptable, deplorable and demeaning as humans, unworthy of any emulation.
Just because I do not agree and have the same emotion as you have on the situation. You refuse to dine with me on the table and enjoy a decent meal as brothers?
We want reforms...we want change....we want equality...we want justice...we want everything!
Its always “what can I have” ... but never “what I can give” to make this world a better place for both of us even in different culture, different color, different language you name it...
Life is hard its never easy...but it doesn’t give you the right to commit a crime because you have nothing...You have nothing because you dont know the meaning of what is giving. It doesn’t give you the right to burn down business, loot stores, burn cars because your angry...you’ve been abused! Besides no Life was lost?!!
Wow and that’s acceptable to you? You rather save Life!
I always knew the greatest gift is the right to Choose what Life you want to live.
But You rather steal...sell drugs...buy cigarettes with counterfeit $20 bills and justify its ok because I have nothing....I deserve to get that away from you because you have more!.....because Im a victim of life's hardship..
Unfortunately another Criminal in uniform ( an Animal a blood hungry Animal) comes by and caught up with another criminal....guess what happens? End of story.
You know I wake up at 4am because I like to My yard to look good so I water it so it would look green and healthy so that all my neighbors would love to see my environment would be pleasant and be admired ..I took the sacrifice of making it better not just for me but for other humans to play and even attract neighbors dogs to poop on it...its ok I clean it..,to me that is a compliment.
But some how weeds keeps on sprouting on my beautiful yard....trying to suffocate my beautiful centipede grass... what do you think I need to do with the weeds! In order to maintain my green grass nice for everyone to enjoy!
Would I allow it to get destroyed by weeds?
You tell me Mr. Sierra... I respect you and I will follow your sound advice!
Last edited by Zoren 370; 06-05-2020 at 09:23 PM.