I have added a new sections to our forums. We were in need of this section for a while now. In the paragraphs below, I’ll try to explain what you can post in this sections.
Nissan 370Z Warranty / Scheduled Maintenance / Servicing / Repairs - Nissan 370Z Forum
In this section, you can post up all your questions about warranty, scheduled maintenance, Dealer servicing etc.
What you can post:
• All warranty related questions. (i.e. If I put an aftermarket intake or HFC, will my factory warranty still apply? or my factory warranty is expiring next month. Is there other sites I can buy Nissan warranty for cheap other than the dealer? Etc)
• All your scheduled maintenance questions. (i.e. I’m taking the Z in for 15000/30000/60000 miles service. What are they going to change and how much I’m looking to pay? Etc)
• All your dealer servicing or repair questions. (i.e. My hatch gets stuck every now and then. Should I take it to the dealer? Or there is a noticeable grind/crunch noise coming from my shifter when I shift to 6th gear during aggressive driving. Do you think I should have dealer look at it? Etc) Also, any other dealer related questions, ask here
• As you know, 2009+ Nissan 370Z doesn’t come with Roadside assistance. You can also discuss where you bought your roadside assistance. (i.e. I have just got the Allstate Roadside assistance for ONLY $18/year! Anyone used this service yet? I’m looking for some feedback. Etc)
DO NOT confuse yourself. You’re still going to post all your problem related threads in the appropriate
tech sections (or
General Discussion section). This section is STRICTLY dedicated to dealer questions.
370Z Technical Service Bulletins (TSB) / Recalls - Nissan 370Z Forum
This subsection is for Nissan 370z technical service bulletins and recalls. In this subsection, you will find ALL Nissan 370z technical service bulletins and recall info. The service bulletins WILL be
locked+sticked so that individual TSB threads do not get 30 page replies.(thanks goes to a certain forum member who suggested the idea) BUT you can still make discussion threads and discuss it in this section. Simply copy the TSB thread link and make new thread with it to discuss. (I’m going to create
a sample thread to give you an idea). As for recalls, 370Z doesn’t have ANY recall as of today

. I’ll share with you guys (feel free to share it with us) if there is one.
Please give me some time so that I can upload ALL the Technical Service Bulletins. Once I’m done uploading and I still missed one, feel free to upload it or pm me. I will find it and upload it for you. My ONLY request to you would be use the attachment method so that ONLY registered members can views it (not guests). This encourages people to sign up (which only takes 30 seconds or less guaranteed) and increases our forum member database.
I this section help you in many ways. Thank you for all your support. If you have any question(s), you can pm me or post here.