Originally Posted by ZontheRocks
Those that want to burn and loot are part of the problem as much as the lack of action amongst those that watch bad peoples do bad things and do nothing.
I’ll take saving a life over saving a business everyday of the week.
Justice is being served rightfully? Due process is being served? Both were FORCED to happen due to video.
How many videos do you need to see of those in uniform, paid by citizens, threatening and attacking those that are not doing any of the things that you laid out?
And for you to write of the long *** diatribe and still refuse to even type out GEORGE FLOYD’s name is disingenuous.
You rather save life over saving business all day of the week? I really need to empathize on how you think!
How do you get your resources to sustain your life?...please enlighten me so I will understand you better.
Also Type your full name here so I will know you too.