Originally Posted by FL 4Motion
Jar, I think you’re missing spoolers point. We all dislike cheaters, but if you see someone with a support dog you usually can’t just tell who’s legit and whose a cheater so you Nd up hating on both the good and the bad.
There ought to be a way to be able to at least cut down on the cheaters but I honestly don’t have any ideas off the top of my head. 
There is no law that gives support animals special status. On the other hand people who own service do get special dispensation because a dog or Sheldon pony are the only animals classified as service animals by law. The are certified and preform a qualifying service such as a seeing eye or hearing dog. The law protects service animal owners and a business owner can only ask two questions...is that a service dog and what service does it provide you? The issue is as Jar points out anyone can get a vest for their dog the reads service dog and if the person is familiar with the law when asked the questions they will say yes and she alerts me if I'm about to have a seizure.
So what can a business owner do under the law? Well the law requires the dog to be under control of its owner at all times. It should not approach other people and jump up on them. They are not to be disruptive other than to alert their handler and they should not relieve themselves or cause any other damage to the business. So that is how you tell the difference...they don't behave! The issue is most businesses don't ask the questions and are afraid to take action. For my staff if the don't ask the questions and take appropriate action when necessary it will result in disciplinary action.
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