I sent the guy selling the nismo seats a couple of texts yesterday. One to verify that he still had them, he said he did so here are my other one's:
"Since you know that I'm willing to pay, I already paid you once, and I'm a reputable buyer and seller on the forum, I would still be willing to buy them but you would have to ship them to me (I would be willing to pay the shipping up front) and once I receive them I would immediately send you the money through zelle."
I followed up with:
"There are three things potentially going against me by paying up front.
#1- you don't send the seats (I have no protection)
#2- you send me trashed seats (I have no protection)
#3- you told me that Paypal permanently closed your account. That doesn't give me much confidence that #'s 1 and 2 couldn't happen."
"I've already shown that I'm willing to pay, you had my payment. Long time forum members can vouch for me and I'm having you ship them to a legitimate business. You can google and yelp the business."
I was going to have him ship them to the shop that built my car.
Guess what kind of a reply I received. NONE. He never returned my texts. Scammer.