Originally Posted by JARblue
No need to see what happened beforehand. Because if Mr. Floyd had done anything remotely deserving of the officer's treatment (i.e. his neck pinned by the officer's knee), an appropriate reaction by the officer would have been to draw his weapon and maintain distance from the suspect.
A firing squad would be too good for this so-called officer 
Exactly! The officers kneed should not even be anywhere near his neck it should be between his shoulder blades. Also he is supposed easy of any pain compliance technique if the person is compliant. What happened hear is no different than what happened to Rodny King other than Rodney didn't die. Regardless of what the person has done an officer should only used the amount of force necessary to make the arrest. Hmm, let's see four on one against an unarmed suspect that is under control and compliant. Even if the suspect was not totally compliant it would be reasonable to assume he was fighting for his life. I know if it was me I would be fighting to get a breath.
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