Originally Posted by madwi
Yep, even staff have to answer daily questions about covid symptoms and get laser scanned. The EMR has to have those questions answered before the chart can be accessed and treatment begins. If you end up going back today for non-covid reasons, DO NOT GIVE A DIFFERENT ANSWER THAN YOU DID EARLIER! It locks up the emr and then someone like me has to go in and change the answers so they match. 
I get the covid questions, I can answer those before they ask them at this point

It's the entire medical history questions that drive me nuts. I was asked 6 times when I had my shoulder surgery today. It was done in that building, the date and time and everything else is in that computer
And why did I have to show up 30 min early to sit in the waiting room 45 min in the middle of a pandemic
Then about to be tossed in that god awful MRI machine they are asking about any metal I might have anywhere and I said "what about this wire in my mask?" and the 2 girls looked at each other confused

so I got another round of covid questions and took the mask off