Originally Posted by KingZTX
No oil pressure light came on. And thank you! Will definitely keep that in mind  Cheers.
There is one more item you can do so you can sleep better at night.
Since no OP light, you are probably ok. Also, you said you had some oil still coming out. Which means you didn't pump dry and you had caught it in time.
However, if you still have the oil FILTER involved in incident, you can cut that open and check for metal. Specially chunks. Based on your description, you probably won't find any. Small, singular bits are no worry.
Plenty of Youtube videos on how to cut filters open. I highly recommend AGAINST using die-grinder or hack-saw methods as this will introduce metal into filter and SCARE the begeezuz out of you. LOL.
Keep the filter, take it to a shop that has proper cutting tools or buy your own.
Longacre Oil Filter Cutter 77750