My buddy's 2007 Altima torched on the freeway...
To top off his string of bad luck, my buddy, who rear ended someone with his truck last Tuesday, was driving a loaner 2007 Altima from his sister-in-law. Yesterday, on his way over to our Superbowl party, the Altima caught on fire on the same freeway...
so, I've heard about the filter catching fire for that model year, but I would assume by 2010, that problem would be fixed on that car already...he said, the car started choking and jerking and started smoking. He said the fire was on the driver's side of the car so he had to crawl out through the passenger side...
so, has anyone heard of anything else that could cause the fire? His sister was on the passenger side, and they both got out safely, and the entire car lit up on fire...