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Old 05-01-2020, 05:06 PM   #4704 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by madwi View Post
I am not the smartest person in the world, and I wouldnt want to be in her shoes when the **** hit the fan. Why oh why would you close doctors offices? Medical staff is trained for these things! We can seperate people and not have them crowded in the waiting room. hell they can wait in their cars until we walk outside and call their damn name. A face to face with family Doctors could have done a lot of good in my opinion and not clogged the emergency rooms. Elective surgeries, family practice and radiology are the money makers, bread and butter that pays for all the other things that a health care facility needs. Closing them all shut off ALL money coming into the facilities. Killed em all.
I'm not a rocket surgeon either and I agree 100%. There is no reason it should be shut down like that. It's hurting way more than it's helping
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