Originally Posted by Rusty
Also read tonight that there is 30 different strains of the virus now. I know before there was 9. The more strains. The harder to make a vaccine.
What gets me. They tell us, no need for a mask until about 2 weeks ago. Now you can't go out without one. I've been working my normal schedule of 5 days a week. I work part time at Home Depot. I'm out in the public. No one at the store is sick or tested positive for the virus. Most us feel that if we was going to get it. We would have had it by now. Our sales numbers are up, and foot traffic has stayed about the same. Starting last Sunday. We limit the number of people into the store to 75 at a time. My county has 67 cases, and 3 dead. 90% of the cases are at a couple of nursing homes. A few are outside of them.
Whats the total population of your county?
If all can be tested then we can actually see how bad the situation is.
Possibly millions are positive but no symptoms.
Should that be caused for alarm?
Our hospital has 11 positive 8 deaths in the county.
One nursing home alone has 87 cases patients and employees.
Im tired of being shotgun target! I want my life back..,,car meets...races...strippers.