Look at it this way. Mother nature doing some house cleaning. Darwinism at work. Thinning out the heard. Don't care on what side the fence you sit on politically. This virus is taking lives. How many, who knows. Won't find out for at least 2 years after most of the studies are done. We really don't know if this virus is any worse then other ones. It's to early to tell. Do know that some ARE trying to taken advantage of this.
I can see why people are up in arms over the lock down. In my county. We have 66 cases, and 3 deaths. Only a handful of business are open. People are laid off and are about to lose they homes. I be up set too. If you never been close to losing you home. STFU! My neighbor to the right of me. School teacher, wife is a nurse. Neither have worked since this started. Plus they have 3 girls in college. Neighbor to the left. Works in the steel mill. Working 3 days a week now. Wife's hours cut back to 18 hrs a week. 2 kids in college. The boy broke his collar bone Saturday. There people are fvcking worried if they will have a home in June.