Originally Posted by Ghostvette
You are looking at the wrong numbers. You are comparing deaths with known cases, that will always give an inaccurate number. Even the 'experts' are saying they don't know how many have had this and had either no symptoms/mild symptoms and recovered quickly. Until there is an anti-body test developed, saying that the CCP virus will kill 2-4% of those it infects is ludicrous.
Let's throw some things out, just for chits & giggles.
Average age of person that dies from CCP virus: 75
Average age of people at death during normal times: 75
What can be deduced from those statements? In reality, not a damn thing. People die when the body and spirit gives up, nothing is going to change that. We don't suspend life because people die. I didn't quit living when I lost my grandparents and I'm not going to quit living when my parents pass. If I did that, my dad when come back from the dead and kick my azz.... guaranteed.
I'm not a hard-hearted bastard, (regardless of what others may say)... all I'm saying is that we have allowed a bunch of people that claim to be experts wipe out our lives for no real good reason. I was raised that when you were sick, you stayed home until you were better. You didn't go dragging your sick azz all over the countryside, you didn't drag your sick kids all over creation to cough and sneeze all over everything, you stayed your azz home. How is this different? I'm not sick, I'm not staying home. PERIOD.
Yeah you are saying you had this. No big deal and compare it to the flu. Why don’t you get reinfected with it. Have a actual test to prove you are infected and please document your experience on you tube. It’s the only way to be sure.
validate everything you know about it and your personal experience of recovery. Please educate all us non believers and believers. It’s the only way to be sure due to you knowing so much. Also, if you can prove anything you are saying by being infected and document it... I will buy you a bottle of whatever your poison is after recovery. Seems like your a fighter and have plenty of spirit. What do you have to lose?