I get the whole 'not wanting to be quarantined' and the issue of the 'well, maybe someone should have asked store owners if they want to close/remain open and allow the public to dictate whether or not the business is a success/failure'. But my questions are this:
1. If you're a governor; shutting down your city/state whatever for a prolonged period of time will raise the unemployment rate, put strain on the govt to have to take care of more people (we already see how that is working out with our current unemployment systems in place); so wouldn't this pretty much guarantee NOT being elected the following term - i mean you don't come back from a 30% unemployment rate etc?
2. At first I was like, okay this sh!t is ridiculous and no way I believe this is as bad as people say but then.....look at the world around us - how much of a sh!t show Italy is/was; how ill prepared a lot of govt were as far as handling this. Anyone who compares the US to countries like Sweden etc --> its like they aren't even the size of Texas let alone the US. In other words, I believe that this stuff is bad news - with the ease of travel and how quickly it can spread and no vaccine; just because you're not sick doesn't mean you can't be a-systematic and spread it to those that have low immune systems?
Again, no way do I say we HAVE TO DO THIS or we HAVE TO DO THAT - I really don't know what the answer is; bc with a virus; if we don't all agree to do the same things - it will probably just prolong this sh!t and we will be revisiting it again. Anyway - i never and hate talking politics but just my .02