It's about to get interesting where my fiancee works.
Her boss said, "Go into the office and work.(and a whole host of other directions)" No direction on if PPE was going to be available, just 'don't talk to anyone and wear a mask outside of your work space'
She countered with, "Thank you, but I'm calling my doctor. And why is everyone else allowed to work from home, but I have to come in? Isn't that a little discriminatory and prejudicial?"

She also called HR for direction. This is where it gets interesting.... HR is in Florida, which is where the hospital she works for is headquartered. It seems the magic word was 'prejudicial'..... HR is now investigating and for sure 2 things could happen 1)they will transfer her to a department that needs her or 2) they will buy her out.
I'm kinda hoping a third thing happens, that her boss gets fired. This isn't the first time that idiot has pulled something like this. My fiancee told HR that her boss will retaliate if HR speaks to her boss. She informed HR that her boss called her into the office before this started and chewed her azz about a comment on a survey that was supposed to be confidential. HR goes "oh really?!?!?"
Let the fun & games begin....