Originally Posted by Z_ealot
... I've been burning oil and did a compression test to check the piston rings, all cylinders were good with the exception of 3 and 5 which were leaking, both tested at 210psi hot and 260psi hot/wet but lost about 20psi over the course of 1 minute with the leak becoming slower as pressure went down, tech suggested that afr was to rich and was fouling the oil and causing it to burn but the readings and targets refute that so I'm trying to get a leak down test scheduled at the dealership to see exactly what's going on
What was the compression pressure for each cylinder?
For reference, the factory spec is:
•*Standard: 242-341 PSI
• Minimum: 178 PSI
•*Maximum cylinder to cylinder difference of 14 psi
How much oil does it burn?