Originally Posted by vtec to vvel
Got to Costco @ 8.30 AM this morning. Store opened at 9.30 AM. By the time I got there, there was a line to the back of the building. By the time 9.30 AM rolled around, there was a line that formed around the building 2 fold, so the person that was "next" to me had to go around the building basically twice before getting to the entrance. Someone offered the person in front of me, myself, and the person behind me $$ to take their place, which all of us refused lmao.
This time around, most people had had gloves and masks. Anyone that so much as sniffled got the "get the fcuk away from me" look.
Hmmm... maybe it would be worth it to stand in line. Not for groceries, of course.
Originally Posted by madwi
First one to put $2000 cash in my hand gets my spot. I can order groceries to be delivered.  Maybe this can be a lucrative side gig in these time. Professional line stander.

Wonder how much I could get. I'll bring a sign like I'm at a sporting event