Originally Posted by Rusty
When I worked for the DoD back in the 70's. There was chit going on that other branches of gov't or anyone else didn't know on what was going on. When I left. I had to sign a stack of NDA's. Leavenworth is not appealing.
Recalling a scene from M*A*S*H where Winchester is threatened with court-martial (April fools joke by Potter & friend): "Leavenworth. MY GOD, THAT'S IN KANSAS!" LOL
Originally Posted by Rusty
In reading about the number of deaths in each country. Each country is using different methods of determining on how a person has died. Some countries are not reporting deaths caused by the virus if the person had other health issues. China is one of them. That why their deaths are so low. Estimates put the death toll around 48,000.
Italy is not counting undiagnosed deaths from people who are afraid to go to hospital and then die at home. Nor are they doing tests post-mortem for people who come to hospital and die before treatment. A hospital administrator in Lombardia estimated the death toll to be more than 4x the official number. TO HAMMER THAT POINT HOME, NEARLY 4,000 PEOPLE A DAY ARE ACTUALLY DYING OF THIS IN ITALY.
I suspect that it will be the same elsewhere (Spain, the UK, Germany and even parts of the US and Canada, although not as bad on this continent yet).