Originally Posted by Rusty
On the way into work this morning. I took the toll road because I didn't feel like getting stuck behind a tri-axle hauling scrap. Seen 2 state troopers before I got on the toll road. Once on the toll road. Think the slowest I went was 85. Got off the toll road, started down over the hill. Speed limit is 35 on this short section of 4 lane. So I'm booking over the hill.  Back up to 85. Look at the bottom of the hill. Ohhhh chit. State trooper. Nail the brakes hard. Got down to about 40. Pass the trooper sitting on the left side of the road. He's looking at me, and I'm looking at him.  Thought I was nailed. Think he was set up for the other direction.
Just read that state troopers are limiting their contact with people. 
let's hope so lol
got messaged the other day to do a run to morgantown this weekend with a few GTR's and a couple lambos.
kinda like a mini rally i guess?