Originally Posted by 09Nismo
mightybobo, you can't be serious. Thats what is amazing about car enthusiast. We can take ideas that have been implemented into different cars, and combined them to make something new, exciting, and all our own. (I think I'm so defensive cuz my ride has angel eyes lol)
Call me Mr. Purist, what can I say lol.
But, on that note, that poses an interesting question - if I slap some lambo doors, altezza's and LED headlights onto my car, does that make me a car enthusiast? Even if I knew NOTHING about my own car at all? Just posing an example I suppose - I think peoples definitions of "car enthusiast" varies. Myself, I look for someone who actually understands the mechanical workings and performance of their car, and puts it to good use. Others just look to see if a car is modded - visually or otherwise - and that, to them, denotes a "car enthusiast".