Originally Posted by Ghostvette
One of the prime reasons I'm staying away from grocery stores. If I was to see behavior like this, the next thing heard would be a very loud noise, followed by "Clean up on the produce aisle"...... 

definitely be an a$$-whoopin' if someone came up to me and started coughing. I'm one of those that aren't shy to tell people to back the fcuk up if they get too close, even before this virus sh!t (and yes, I will literally drop the f-bomb each time).
Originally Posted by FPenvy
yea i agree. i'd do a couple years knowing that i saved a few people.
people who are out there doing these idiotic acts need dealt with.
nah, per Dept. of Justice, anyone purposely spreading the virus could be charged with terrorism, so you would be doing a service by the prevention of spreading
but.....in the off-chance something like this did happen and you went away, I got dibs on your GTR.