Originally Posted by SouthArk370Z
Just got word (unconfirmed but from usually reliable source) that we have the first case of corona in my county.
For a minute, I thought you wrote "country" and was thinking "ummm it's been here for a while" lol.
Unfortunately, if this virus made it overseas, then it will likely make it to every state. Sad and unfortunate reality
Originally Posted by Rusty
I have a friend who works for Capital One. He's the head of his dept. They told him to work from home. So he went out and traded his small camper in and got a big Airstream camper. He's camping out in some campground in the Shenandoah Mountains. He's working from there.
I was reading on, yes you guess it, the news, and they said that a lot of people working at home that are in the banking/IT/etc. industry face major security issues, for both the employee and the customer.