Originally Posted by redondoaveb
I ordered a box of commercial rolls of toilet paper from Home Depot. Suppose to be delivered tomorrow but my order still shows in process. Rusty, can you look into this for me, or better yet, maybe ask your boss (Brad) to look into it. 
Originally Posted by Rusty
If it was coming to my store, no problem. I can't see what is going to another store. I'm limited. You have the SKU number? I can see if there is any available. It would be 1xxx xxx xxx.
Originally Posted by redondoaveb
I was just kidding about checking on it for me. They do show that it's not available on line anymore but it's too late for me to cancel my order. I hope that means that I got one before they ran out.
Originally Posted by Rusty
Can't answer that one. You may get after things die down, or they will cancel it.
Originally Posted by redondoaveb
I called and talked to an associate. She was as nice as could be. It's suppose to be delivered on Saturday by Fedex. She emailed me the tracking number.
Had a FedX order come in today. It was 2 boxes of jumbo rolls of TP for some guy. The guy is lucky to get it.
One store had a special order of cleaning supplies for the store it's self. The box was unopened by the Rec Dept. It was moved to the side. Some customers opened the box when no one was looking and emptied it.

Was told when we receive our box. We are to take straight to the store manager's office.