Originally Posted by bunk
There are people who died shooting it. They dont expect the huge recoil when they fire, the gun kicks back up to the point where the barrel is pointing back at them... with their finger still on the trigger.... boom!
One girl she shot it and killed herself because her friends thought it would be funny to see her try to fire it... 
I have a friend shoot my 6" 44 Mag one handed. He never shot a pistol bigger than a .38 before. We was at the range. I'm shooting my .44 one handed. Not an issue with me. Harry is bigger then JC. 6'6" 300 lbs. Harry asks to shoot my 44. No problem. He picks it up, holds it with both hands. So far so good. Changes his grip to hand and says that he's shooting one handed. Hmmmm. Squeezes the trigger and blood is flowing down his face.

During recoil. The front sight nails him in the forehead.

There's 4 of us on the ground rolling. Harry put the gun down, walked back to his truck, and left.