Originally Posted by somedude
Thanks a lot for the response Option Zero. My camber in the front is -1.47. My alignment is perfectly within the green. Truline in Seattle did that + corner balanced it.
Didn't catch this the first time. The "green" range is the acceptable range for the MANUFACTURERS RECOMMENDED SETTINGS.
Nissan is not in the business of helping you fit more aggressive wheels. Nissan is in the business of increasing tire wear for the secretary that buys the sportscar to put put to work. Nissan is in the business of building in understeering so your below average minion doesn't spin out and sue them and/or whine about it
You want your camber to be even side to side, and to be sufficiently negative for your wheel/tire setup not to rub. Not to obey Nissan, who didn't even bother to build in any adjustibility into the front camber due to cost cutting.
There is no reason to stick to the factory alignment unless you love understeer and crappy wheel fitment, or are a lawyer for Nissan.