I"m not sweating the TP hoarding. I have firearms and ammo, I'll just track down who's hoarding and take what I need....
Seriously, some of the folks on YT need to chill tf out. Being prepared is a good thing, but continuing to spread information that is not confirmed or is made up, is just criminal.

The declaration in Champaign doesn't surprise me, it's Illinois after all... and it's downwind from Chicago, so the manifest stupidity flows south..
I'm for good, common sense type of things, but with the level of stupid people out and about, I'm pondering staying home for a couple of weeks and letting Darwinism take its course. It's well past time for the thinning of the gene pool, it's overflowing with idiots that procreate mindlessly....
Confucious say: "Stay strapped or get clapped"