Originally Posted by JARblue
WTF... that roll is huge, vtec. And they only advertise a roll to last a month?
I bought a 12 pack of large rolls (between the smallest and biggest sizes). Been over a year since I bought the pack. Barely half gone now - I should be good through Christmas at least. No females in the house though. Makes an enormous difference.
the picture doesn't do it any justice - it's almost like a large pizza when looking at it. when putting it on the stand that it comes with, which is surprisingly nice and sturdy, it sticks out like a sore thumb and wifey said it had to go bye-bye

so out of sight and out of mind again I guess.
and wtf lol I sh!t twice a day and tend to go through TP like crazy, so i'm used to loading up. I actually get panic attacks when we're low on TP lol
Originally Posted by FL 4Motion
Dude, you need to sh1t more. That’s worrisome. Either that or you’re not wiping your a$$ well. Also worrisome, not for me, but for everyone in your immediate vicinity.
LMAO! and back to skid marks and strippers!
Originally Posted by cv129
Forget TP, time to get a bidet.

i'm not sure how I would feel like water being sprayed up my @$$....