Originally Posted by -ZS-Carpenter
Today is the day I go to Madwis favorite place. Although they have told me to go to ohio every other day for a week now  They do have 9 hours to change it again 
When I was at Elliott. They would tell me it was a 1 day job. I would pack for a week. Tell me 1 week. I would pack for a month. Tell me 1 month. I would start to fill out change of address cards.

Some jobs, I would take a 1 ton dually crew cab stake bed, or fly. There would be times where I'm on the road and they would call and say the job was cancelled. One time when I got to the hotel. There was a message there for me to call back to the office. Come home, job cancelled. That was a 14 hr drive one way. Another time, I got out the plane and they was paging me. Catch the next flight back. Here's your ticket home. that was in San Fran.