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Old 02-07-2010, 03:19 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Oil spilled while filling up.

Fail for me. So yesterday when i got home after work, around midnight, i decided to check my oil level. It was just above the minimum. I had an extra quart left of royal purple, so I decided to put about half a quart in.

So i start pouring in my dimly lit garage. Im like its going in smooth. Then I second guess myself because it was hard to tell and as soon as i 'corrected' the flow it didnt pout into the whole. I didnt think I spilled much. So I just cut half an empty bottle of eatter and used that as my funnel. I went to bed and didnt think about it. So today when I went to work, when I was stopped I smelled burning oil...ahhhhh.

Anyway, when I went home I took a look at it and there isnt very much oil, anywhere. My question is...Will it take long for the rest to burn off? The rest of the oil is pretty hard to get to, and it doesn't look like much.
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