Thread: Tiburon FTL
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Old 02-07-2010, 01:31 AM   #1 (permalink)
A True Z Fanatic
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Default Tiburon FTL

I had to embarrase a new tiburon tonight. He does a fly by after I passed him in normal driving. He then gets behind a couple of cars in his lane and I get ahead of him again just driving normal. So I see him zooming up again so I drop it into 3rd and wait for him, when he is even I punch it, he was already up to speed so he gets a 1/4 car length ahead since I waited to punch it but I quickly pull on him like crazy and keep pulling ahead. I back off and he just zooms by, I guess he thought he could really beat a Z, tsk tsk. I love it when someone really wants to go and when you do you beat the snot out of them.
2010 LS3 C6 Silver coupe corvette
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