Originally Posted by gryghst
I wish I could give some feedback as to how it works after installing new bungee kit (fixing the roof hitting and snapping shut). However, I only installed the short bungees which did stop the roof from snapping closed. I messed around with the long bungees and screwed them up. I am left with either ordering the new bungee kit again and following the TSB install instructions or taking it to a dealer. Undecided at this time.
Hi mate, thanks also for posting all the info on the new bungee kit. Like many others, or do I say just about everyone’s, my deck lid hits the 5th bow and I was going to order the new kit and replace it myself, using the Top hydraulics very helpful video clip but when I read that some owners here on the forum said it took Nissan over a week to install the new kit part number I knew that the kit must be quite different from the original one. Here in Australia I have no confidence in letting my local Nissan dealer do this work. I may ring around Sydney at some stage to see if any dealership has carried this out, as I do not want my car to be the guinea pig.