Looking for a part number for VQ copper plugs
I've searched for all variations for copper spark plugs, copper plugs, V-Power/370Z, etc, and all I find is people mentioning that you can use coppers, but they use Iridium GTR plugs, or something of that nature. So my searches have been fruitless. And since copper plugs are not recommended for either the 370Z, G37, or GTR, they don't pull up as an option in parts catalogs. But I'm sure they exist, they're just not tied to any of these cars in any searches.
So here's the question:
Can someone please post up a part number for copper spark plugs in either stock or one step colder heat range?
Thank you!
Tags for future searches: 370z copper spark plugs, VQ copper spark plugs, VQ coppers, VQ copper plugs, one step colder, heat range 8, heat range 9, GTR plugs, GTR copper plugs