This virus has been sitting comfy in that part of the world for a long time, not sure why everyone is so shocked that this outbreak has finally happened. Governments sit there not giving a **** until well, it hits the fan. Governments in Asia anyway.
All of the numbers that come out of China for those infected and killed by the virus are drastically understated, take my word for it. The Chinese government doesn't want to look weak or as if it cannot control it. They did a poor job controlling and containing it and I'm pretty sure it is worse than we know.
Anyways, diligent work is being done to put an end to this, but I'm laughing at how much of a **** job Canada and many other countries have done to prevent the spread of the virus. All flights should have been stopped, to and from that region in China as soon as word got out. Secondly, and I know this sounds like a bad thing to say, but if you're infected stay there or the government should set up a isolated location with medical gear to diagnose and treat patients, NOT bring them into major city centres.