Originally Posted by madwi
I run the redwing steel toe dress shoes. When I had to be out on the production floor they were my go to. Many people tried to tell me I was in violation and needed steel toes on. I said let me kick you and then you can let me know if I am in voilation of that rule or not. 
I wanted the composite toe tennis shoes but wasn't on our approved list.
When I worked at Elliott. In the late 90's. Had a co-worker go to China, and do an install on a piece of equipment at a factory. He was project manager there. He told me, one day he was on the floor watching the chinese working. He picked up a hammer, playing with it. He then put his one foot up on a crate. Started tapping his steel toes with the hammer. Thinking nothing of it. He said that it got real quite. He looked around and everyone was staring at him. Then it dawned on him that they was watching him hitting his foot. So he winds up with the hammer and real takes a swing at the steel toe. The chinese workers almost passed out at him nailing his foot. After he did that. They all came up to him to look at his boots. They have never seen a steel toed boot.