Originally Posted by Zezus
Oh i believe it. I was the only one in the store with an ASE cert. And then when i took over as GM my boss would push me to schedule the part timers as much as the full timers to prevent OT. It was a constant struggle and was miserable.
I liked selling parts - i didn't like managing minimum wage employees.
The GM I worked for was lazy, he is supposed to be at the store 50 to 60 hours a week, rotate the shifts he works (open, mid, close) and rotate days off. He was never there on the weekends, was gone by 4 daily, didn't know how to do ANY of the inventory functions and didn't even do the schedule.

I wound up working all day on the weekends, and from 5pm to close (9 pm) during the week, after working 50 hours at my day job.

He couldn't understand why I got so upset about the schedule.