Originally Posted by jchammond
Looking out the window with the flood lights on; thinking about something wide,long & hard
A concrete slab
Wanted it poured by end of this month Gonna try & see what I can round up for 1st week in February; as that would make it mid March before Lift installation
I’ll just have to see what’s available/ as the handful of people around here that have minimal experience want to halfazz it
Too much time invested & I want a professional to be on the job
Lowering,Ceiling rafters/joist,OSB is gonna be a breeze
Gotta seek a wind up front door, as a Conventional carport door would cover my lights with door open & potentially get in the way
Wind-up door would reflect noise something awful in there, when wound down. What about a barn-style double door? Give you the opportunity to play with your wood some more.