Originally Posted by Rusty
I worked flat rate in a Chevy dealership. That flat out sucked. Had one guy. All he would do is the 350 and 400 turbo tranny's. Nothing else. He was making a killing.  He could knock 3 out a week.
I've rebuilt a Ford ATX, a Turbo 125 & a Turbo 400, and it was something I disliked intensely. The ATX I laid out on a bench in the order I took it apart, replaced all the burnt/worn parts, put it back together and put it in the car. The damn car still wouldn't move.
Turns out, the pump drive shaft had about an inch broke off of it and the broken part was in the convertor. I fished it out with a magnet, put a new pump shaft in, put it back in the car and finally got it moving.
I have an intense dislike for rebuilding transmissions.....